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 "Die Natur ist der beste Arzt, und wir sollten ihre Heilkräfte nutzen, um unsere Gesundheit zu fördern."

Hildegard von Bingen


„In der Natur ist uns alles gegeben, was wir zum Schutz und zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit brauchen.“ Alfred Vogel

Holistic medicine according to Hildegard von Bingen®

Saint Hildegard von Bingen (* 1098 -  † 1179) is still considered a universal scholar and was an important pioneer of holistic naturopathy.

She was an emancipated, educated woman with a wide range of interests. She almost wrote

17 writings. One of your most important works is the Causae et Curae. 

“In all green things the power of all our life processes works, heaven and earth are created from all green and all the beauty of the world”

The only way to healing is to look at the person as a whole!

F or healing and relaxation, we use the power of nature, herbs and superfoods, as well as a holistic approach to nutrition and lifestyle. This creates harmony and well-being. 


Known as "herbal medicine", the self-healing powers were activated and the recovery  aided to alleviate health problems with herbal ointments, teas, poultices, baths, drops, tinctures and inhalations.

Many well-known in-house therapies such as the mustard wrap for bronchitis, or the fennel tea for intestinal problems, or the inhalation of chamomile for colds, or the lavender pillow or bath for insomnia come from herbal medicine!


Einige bekannte wissenschaftlich belegte Heilpflanzen:

Some well-known scientifically proven medicinal plants:

  • milk thistle

  • mugwort

  • psyllium

  • burdock root

  • bearberry leaves

  • dandelion

  • nettle

  • birch leaves

  • artichoke leaves

  • goutweed

  • lemon balm

  • chamomile

  • myrrh

  • lavender

  • rosemary

  • sage

  • Flohsamen

  • Giersch

  • Holunder

  • Kamille

  • Klettwurzel

  • Lavendel

  • Löwenzahn

  • Mariendistel

  • Myrre

  • Rosmarin

  • Salbei

  • Zitronenmelisse

Treading water - according to Kneipp®

“As simple as it may seem to be up to your calves in water, this application is particularly good for the body on hot summer days!

Frau in einem natürlichen Strom

- for hardening; it acts this application on the whole body,

    strengthens all nature;

- it acts favorably on the drainage of urine;

- it acts quite well on the chest, makes breathing easier

 - has a beneficial effect on gas formation in the body;

- it is particularly effective against head disorders and headaches

(S. Kneipp)

Full body focus massage

At the beginning there is a personal list in order to be able to tailor the massage to the sensitivities of your body.


With such a massage treatment, blood circulation improves, fasciae are loosened and the lymphatic flow is stimulated.

Your body comes into mental and emotional balance and thus relief.

The treatment is supported with individualized oils.


Im Westen erfreut sich die TCM immer größerer Beliebtheit, da sie eine alternative und ergänzende Behandlungsmethode zur konventionellen Medizin bietet und bei einer Vielzahl von Beschwerden und Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden kann.


Known as "herbal medicine", the self-healing powers were activated and the recovery  aided to alleviate health problems with herbal ointments, teas, poultices, baths, drops, tinctures and inhalations.

Many well-known in-house therapies such as the mustard wrap for bronchitis, or the fennel tea for intestinal problems, or the inhalation of chamomile for colds, or the lavender pillow or bath for insomnia come from herbal medicine!

_Bagni San Filippo_, thermal hot spring with healing water, Province of Siena, Italy.jpg

Heilwasser kann bei verschiedenen Beschwerden wie Rheuma, Hauterkrankungen, Verdauungsproblemen oder Atemwegserkrankungen lindernd wirken und zur Regeneration des Körpers beitragen.

Die Heilwasserkunde ist eine ganzheitliche Therapiemethode, die nicht nur auf die Behandlung von Symptomen abzielt, sondern auch auf die Stärkung des Immunsystems und die Förderung des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens.


Known as "herbal medicine", the self-healing powers were activated and the recovery  aided to alleviate health problems with herbal ointments, teas, poultices, baths, drops, tinctures and inhalations.

Many well-known in-house therapies such as the mustard wrap for bronchitis, or the fennel tea for intestinal problems, or the inhalation of chamomile for colds, or the lavender pillow or bath for insomnia come from herbal medicine!


Die individuelle Auswahl der ätherischen Öle erfolgt dabei nach den Bedürfnissen und Zielen des Einzelnen, um eine maßgeschneiderte und effektive Behandlung zu gewährleisten.

Die Aromaheilkunde ist eine ganzheitliche Therapieform, die nicht nur auf körperlicher Ebene wirkt, sondern auch das seelische und geistige Wohlbefinden fördert, um ein harmonisches Gleichgewicht im Körper herzustellen.

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